Angelic Communion
Beginning of Life
Ever Present Creator
Father's Kingdom on Earth
Praise to the Creator
Rites and Ceremonies
Works of Service

In proportion as man is clear in his corporeality and in his spirit, so discerneth he My inspiration. And if he have great purity as well, then he shapeth my Light into corporeal words. (Inspiration 5:7-8)

Which is to say, flesh-food carrieth man away from prophecy; away from spirituality. A nation of meat-eaters will always culminate in disbelievers in spirituality; and they become addicted to corporeal passions. Such men can not understand; to them the world is vanity and vexation, if poor; or, if rich, a place to revel in for lust's sake. (Cosmogony 9:10)

To the pure there is no selfishness, neither for earthly things, nor for their own flesh and spirit. A pure man is as a clear glass; he can see out of himself, and, so, perceive My angels and Me. Through the pure man, pure angels can see mortality as well as spirituality. Their presence inspireth him to understand all things. (Inspiration 18:15-17)


When thou makest and keepest thy corporeal body pure and clean, My angels, who are pure and clean, come to thee to aid thee, and to enlighten thee. And when thou puttest away all unclean thoughts and all unselfish desires, and seekest to obtain wisdom, and to learn how best thou canst help thy fellow-man, behold, My angels of light and wisdom come to thee, and, by virtue of their presence, which thou seest not, they inspire thy soul in the light of thy Creator. (Inspiration 18:4-5)


Jehovih saith: I have given man many talents. Because the roadways are not open for their growth, he plungeth into darkness. Think not that ye can draw a line, and say: O man, thou shalt not do this, or thou shalt do thus: for ye are powerless to hold him, whom I created to go forward. And if he find not a way to go forward, he will turn and go backward. (Fragapatti 10:4)


Stretch forth thy hand unto thy Creator, and swear thou unto Him, thou wilt conquer every passion that is unclean, and every habit not conducive to the purity of the growth of thy spirit. Make the Creator the idol of thy soul, neither setting up this or that as impossible, admitting that all things are possible in Jehovih's Hands. (Judgment 13:35)


Without purity, no man can see the Creator; with purity, all men can see Him, and hear Him. It is easier to purify the corporeal body than the spiritual. For diet and baths can accomplish the former, but pure thoughts are required for the soul. A man may be clean as to the flesh; but if he have impure thoughts, he is impure in spirit. Whoso speaketh cruelly or unjustly of his neighbor, is foul in spirit. If he speak of the short-comings and deceptions of his neighbors, he is foul in spirit. Whereas, first of all, purification is the first law of man's own self. (Eskra 27:6-9)

