Beginning of Life
Angelic Communion
Beginning of Life
Ever Present Creator
Father's Kingdom on Earth
Praise to the Creator
Rites and Ceremonies
Works of Service

Out of the darkness man is brought forth a blank and his entity is a spark of Jehovih. His entity will never cease to grow. Yea, from the hour of conception it is a new star in the world, and it magnifieth itself forever. (Knowledge 2:24)


Now, hear thou, O man, the judgment of thy God: Half the people, born into the world, including still-births and abortions, die in infancy. Therefore, there are a thousand million angel infants fetaled on the earth every thirty years. These angels never obtain objective knowledge of the corporeal earth, but are compelled to learn subjectively earthly things through mortals upon whom they are fetaled. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples on the earth for this great darkness, these early deaths. And, because these angels are thus bound to mortals, and can not go away from them until such time as mortals die, mortals are responsible, and bound to train them up by examples of righteousness and good works. (Judgment XXXII:6-8)

With My breath create I alive the earth-born child; with My hand quicken I the newborn spirit; and with My Light illume I the soul of My Faithist. Behold, I dwell in the All Highest place, and in the lowest of created things; whoever findeth Me, I find also; whoever proclaimeth Me, I proclaim in return. (Fragapatti 26:15)


As I have quickened the seed of the first born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of the earth. And each and every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heaven power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again. (Jehovih 6:21)


The Ever Present quickeneth man into life in his mother's womb; and he is then and there a new creation, his spirit from the Spirit Jehovih, and his body from the earth; a dual being the Father createth him. His destination is everlasting resurrection; in which matter man can have delightful labor as he riseth upward forever and ever. (Arc of Bon 28:27-28)


Each child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heavens power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born over again, neither created I him imperfectly, that he should re-enter a womb and be born over again. That which I do is well done. (Oahspe Index)


The fifteenth Divan law was of the same spirit, which was: After he hath served three years as nurse-assistant to the asaphs, he shall be promoted to the hospitals in heaven, as assistant to the physicians. And they shall teach him the restoration of spirits in chaos, and crazy spirits, and deformed spirits, and of sick spirits, and of spirits afflicted with foul smells, that cannot clean themselves, especially of the spirits of women who produced abortion on themselves, or suffered it to be done unto them, and of monomaniacs, and all manner of diseased spirits. (Divinity III:20)


Then spake Jehovih to the ashars, the guardian angels: Into your keeping, O My beloved, give I this My Son, quickened by My very breath to live forever. In your regular turns, watch and watch, guard ye him from this time forth, for he is the fruit I bequeath unto you. And in due time ye shall render his soul unto My asaphs in heaven, being glorified therein. Nor shall ye ever make yourselves known to him through his corporeal senses; for your labor is with the spirit. But when ye find it rightful that angels shall approach his corporeal understanding, see to it that they be exalted and in the way of My everlasting kingdoms. For the plan of My creations is for the resurrection of the soul of man to be forever and ever! (Praise, Spe 7-8)


God propounded: If a Zarathustrian have a wife who is not a Zarathustrian, and she have an untimely birth, whether by accident or abortion, what then of the spirit of that child? On this, all the members of Diva spake, and after that, God decreed:  Such spirit shall not be brought to heaven for a season, but shall be fetaled on its natural mother or father, day and night, until the full nine months are completed, and then it shall be delivered with due ceremonies by the ashars. After that it shall be fetaled the same as in the seventh Divan law. And this was the tenth Divan law. (Divinity 3:14-15)


And yet the depth is not full. In a stately mansion a woman of high caste is dead. And it was said she was blessed, because since not having borne children, ease and glory were at her command. And now, with curious mirth and some envy, the spirits of other women who were outcasts come to behold the newborn spirit of the leader of fashion. And as they turn about, nurses come with children born from her body and her spirit, by abortion cast into heaven, even in Jehovih's face accursed: A curtain of black death that will not away, choketh her. To the left, the right, or up and down, there is nothing but the wail of sweet babes - Mother, why murderest thou me? Was I not Jehovih's gift? The woman of fashion hides but is not hidden, even the soiled outcasts are white beside her; like a woman that is crushed but cannot die, she squirmeth and writheth in the kingdom she built with her own hands. (Knowledge 6:18)


Jehovih said: All the living have I provided with certain paths to travel in; but man alone I created new out of all things dead and dissolved, and he shall grow forever. To the beast I gave an already created sense (instinct); to man I allotted angels. And even these have I provided with others above them; and yet others above them, forever and ever. Hence the first of man, the newborn babe, I created a blank in sense and judgment, that he may be a witness that even he himself was fashioned and created anew by My hand. Neither created I him imperfectly that he should re-enter a womb and be born over again. That which I do is well done, saith Jehovih. (Sethantes 8:9)


God said: Now, behold, O man, I have declared my first and second resurrections unto thee. And in like manner is the third resurrection, but still higher. And so on are all the heavens of Jehovih, higher and higher, until the inhabitants thereof and therein become very Lords and Gods.  Nevertheless, hear thou, O man, the wisdom of thy God, and be appreciative of the way of resurrection being opened up unto thee.  Now, I declare unto thee, there are angels lower than the first resurrection; being incapacitated, from various causes, from knowing who they are, whence they came, or whither they are going. Yea, many of them know not words of speech, nor signs, nor tokens; but are as destitute of knowledge as young babes.  Many of them died in infancy; some of them were killed by abortion; some of them were idiots, and some of them deranged.  Many of these live by fetal. And that thou mayst know, what fetal is, behold. Jehovih hath given thee testimony in mortality, whereby, when a young child sleepeth with a very old person, that child is devoured of its substance. In such case, the old person is fetaled on the young child; the old person is said to live by fetal. Now, hear thou, O man, the judgment of thy God: Half the people, born into the world, including still-births and abortions, die in infancy. Therefore, there are a thousand million angel infants fetaled on the earth every thirty years. . These angels never obtain objective knowledge of the corporeal earth, but are compelled to learn subjectively earthly things through mortals upon whom they are fetaled.  Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples on the earth for this great darkness, these early deaths. And, because these angels are thus bound to mortals, and can not go away from them until such time as mortals die, mortals are responsible, and bound to train them up by examples of righteousness and good works. (Judgment 32:1-8)


Then answered Jehovih to those that had an infant born: What I have quickened into life, behold, it is My gift. It is a flower of sunshine molded by a touch of My hand. Provide ye unto it, O My beloved. Fence My garden around, that serpents can not enter. The time shall come when this living soul shall be as a God in My heavens. His light shall be brighter than a sun! Then spake Jehovih to the infant: Light of My light, O My Son! To thee I give the earth and the heavens, to be thine forever! And the waters of the earth and the air of the firmament, to be thine forever! And the forests and mountains and valleys, to be thy paradise forever. And the oceans and seas, to be thine forever. And lastly, O My Son, what I gave to no other animal on earth or in the waters thereof, or in the air of heaven, give I unto thee; behold, I give thyself to thee. And I give thee guardian angels to walk by thee and show thee My great delights and the way of My resurrections! They shall speak to thy soul to keep thee in the right way. Hear thou them and follow in the way of thy Creator, and thou shalt rejoice all the days of thy life. But thy corporeal eyes and ears and thy corporeal judgment give I unto thine own hands. Remember, My Son, learn thou corporeal knowledge through thy soul, for it is of Me, and thou shalt not err. But shut out the way of My voice, and follow thy corporeal senses only, and thou shalt go down in darkness for a long season. Remember thy Creator at all times and seasons, and thou shalt rejoice because thou art this day brought forth an heir of everlasting life.

(Praise, Spe 1-6)


As previously stated, the vortexian currents are to the earth in the daylight; and from the earth in the night; although their force is toward the centre of the earth (from the east) and toward the north pole afterward. The following result happeneth: For example, a pool of water is charged during the day with the positive current; during the night the negative current escapeth upward from the water. The decomposition resulting therefrom is called se'mu (green scum), a mucilaginous substance which floateth on the surface of the water. In some days' time this se'mu, by motion (from some external cause), assumeth certain defined shapes, crystalline, fibrous and otherwise, after the manner of strange configurations of frost on a window-pane. In some days after this, if the se'mu be examined with a lens it will be discovered that here are miniature trees, even forests, with vines and grasses. No seed was there. (Cosmogony 4.18)


This new property is called Life, and because it existeth everywhere it is called Omnipresent. Man can account for the se'mu; for the positive and negative forces; for corpor and for ethe; but Life is unfathomable by man. The se'mu (green scum) floateth against the ground; its infinitesimal trees and vines and grasses take root and grow, and live a season and die; but from the roots and seeds a larger growth succeedeth. Thus becometh all the world inhabitated over with living creatures. Nevertheless not one thing of all of them mergeth into another; but every one bringeth forth after its own kind. (Cosmogony 4:19)


Man inquireth of the earth, the rocks, the air, and of all things: Who is this Life? This Omnipresent that quickeneth into life all the living? But none can answer him. Then man inquireth of Life: Who art Thou, O Life? And the answer cometh to the soul of man: I am Life! I am the I Am! I Am the Ever Present! All that thou seest in earth or heaven, and even the unseen worlds, also, are My very Person! I am the Whole! (Cosmogony 4:20)


