in regard to the ethereans, Athrava gave no orders, for they were capable of perceiving all necessary things, and without
instruction. (Fragapatti XXV:14)
substance, as such, is equally soluble in ethe. And the great etherean firmament is thus constituted; being a dense solution
of corpor. In the main, etherea is transparent; but in some places translucent, and in others, opaque. (Cosmogony II:3)
see Thee, O Jehovih, afar off. Higher than the highest of heavens! O hasten, my home, and my rest! O ripen these, my precious
diadems! O take us to ethereal worlds.
(Sethantes IV: 29)
God, transfixed, looked up into the swift-passing sky, for his voice reached to the thrones of etherean worlds whereon the
Osirian regents reigned in all power. And down from admidst the stars shot a single ray of light engrossed with the adorable
words: Jehovih's Son! Glory! Glory to Great
Jehovih, for all that thou hast done!
(Sethantes VII:15)
For the substance of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the Most Rarified. Out of ethe made I them. And I made ethe the most subtle of all created things, and gave to
it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even in the midst of the
worlds. And
to ethe gave I dominion over both atmospherea and corpor. (Jehovih II:5)
And to God and his Lords, with the Brides and Bridegrooms, will I send down from etherea ships
in the time of dan; by My etherean Gods and Goddesses shall the ships descend to these heavens, and receive God and His Lords
with the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted
regions I have prepared for them. (Jehovih VII:17)
Think not, O man, that
I created the sky a barren waste, and void of use. Even as man in the corporeal form is adapted to the corporeal earth, so
is he in the spiritual form adapted to My etherean worlds. Three great estates have I bestowed on man: the corporeal, the
and the etherean. (Jehovih 3:8)
beholding the majesty and grandeur of Jehovih's host of descending, millions of es'yans and clouded souls in the lower heaven
broke and fled; some ran and hid to avoid the threatening light. For such is the magnifying power of the etherean flame, that
all dark thoughts and hidden evil lurking in the soul are magnified, and made so plain that even the dumb can read them through.
(Sethantes XIX: 15)
shall be my homestead; hither will I bring the fruit of heaven below; hither build my training schools. Seven years shall
be my service; and they shall learn the ways of etherea. Build me a house of brotherhood and fill it with willing pupils sworn
to labor. I will make them Gods and Lords
with power and wisdom.
(Ah’Shong V:4)
now raised the light to the highest atmospherean grade, and said unto Thale: Approach Jehovih's throne, O my brother, and
hold up thy hands toward High Noon, as the symbol of the highest light, for as the sun is to the earth and atmospherea, so
is Jehovih to the soul of man
and to the etherean worlds.
(Cpenta-armij IX:11)
The mortal desireth to become a spirit; then his ambition is
to become an etherean; next, an Orian; next, a Nirvanian; next, an Oo'tan, and then to travel in the surveys of magnitudes.
But those ahead still call to us to hasten, because the glories ahead are still more surpassing in magnificence! Who, then,
can approach the Unapproachable, All Highest! He Who fashioned the plan of all creations! Who is there that is not swallowed
up with devotion and awe of Him Who is Ever Present, that
beyond all limit, our Father, Jehovih! (Fragapatti 17:8)
ship was anchored, and the ten millions came forth and assembled in a living altar. Fragapatti raised his hand, saying: Throne
of Thy throne, O Jehovih! And the hosts raised their hands, and the elements took shape and majesty, raising into a throne
brilliant as fire. Then Fragapatti ascended and sat on the throne, saying: Glory be to Thee, O Father, the Highest! A light came down from the etherean firmament, and covered the throne over with a canopy, wide enough for
five million men to sit under; and at the borders of the canopy, the ethereans, whose work it fell to, sat up columns of crystals,
opaque and transparent, illuminated in all possible colors and shades and tints.
(Fragapatti IV:3)
I, the Lord, by virtue of my own authority, and in Jehovih's name, proclaim the light and the darkness of the past, for inasmuch
as I have been exalted by the Father, so are ye all in waiting for your turn in the heavens above to become Lords and Gods
and Goddesses. To draw your souls up in heavenly aspirations, to become one with the Father in righteousness and good works,
sendeth Jehovih His sons and daughters down to the earth, revealing the glory of His kingdoms in
the etherean worlds.(Lords 1st I:6)
of various colors were now being set up by the ethereans, and the place enriched with the most enticing perfumes. Osire proceeded:
By the cultivation of talent, all things are possible unto all men and women. With a sufficiency of talent, ye need no Lords
or oppressive rulers. I mentioned the great beauties in my etherean home. Ye go to the spray of fountains, and disport yourselves
in rainbows; but ye are in a small corner, at best, and the substances of your joys are in perpetual failure. Behold the sprays
and bows made by my hosts! Hear the music played in the elements of their handiwork!
The hosts here overcast the entire multitude with the vapor of the air, converted into millions of kaleidoscopic pictures,
and filled the place with the music of wind currents
trained to tunes.
(Osiris X:21-22)
O man, the more thou puttest forth thy soul to give light and wisdom to others, the more thou receivest; wherein thou shalt
comprehend in the reason of things everlasting life to the spirit of man. So also, to him that desireth to comprehend Jehovih,
let him describe the All Highest constantly. To him that desireth to comprehend the etherean worlds, the homes of spirits
long risen in Nirvana, let him describe them. Fear not, O man, that thou shalt err; all the imagery thou canst devise is surpassed
millions of times in the magnitude of the Father's kingdoms. Till thou canst shoot an arrow without striking the air, fear
not for thy weak thoughts shooting amiss in Jehovih's
worlds. (Apollo
know ye all, that whoever aspireth to Me shall come to Me; but the nearest way for many is round about. Ye being above grade
fifty are already more to Me and for Me than against Me or from Me, and in equal degree are cast upon your own responsibility.
For such is the light of My kingdoms, from the first to the highest: To the child, no responsibility; to grade twenty-five,
one quarter; to fifty, one-half; to seventy-five, three-quarters; but to the emancipated in My etherean realms, responsibility
not only to self but to all who are beneath. Wherein My highest worlds are responsible for the lowest, being bound unto one
another through Me for the resurrection of all.
(Cpenta-armij IV:4-5)
In the All Highest
places created I the etherean worlds, and I fashioned them of all shapes and sizes, similar to My corporeal worlds. But I
made the etherean worlds inhabitable both within and without, with entrances and exits, in arches and curves, thousands of
miles high and wide, and overruled I them with All Perfect mechanism; and in colors and movable chasms and mountains in endless
change and brilliancy. To them I gave motions and orbits and courses of their own; independent made I them, and above all
other worlds in potency and majesty. Neither created I one etherean world like another in size or density or in component
parts, but everyone differing from another, and with a glory matchless each in its way. Atmospherean worlds I also created
in the firmament, and I gave them places and orbits and courses for themselves. But atmospherean worlds I created shapeless
and void of fixed form, for they are in process of condensation or dissolution, being intermediate in condition betwixt My
etherean and My corporeal worlds. Of three degrees of density created I them, and I commanded man to name them, and one he
called A'ji, and
one Ji'ay,
and one Nebulae. (Jehovih 2:6-9)
Still onward, upward sped the airavagna, her hosts viewing the
scenes on every side, here most, the richest part and most glorious places of Salkwatka. Where the etherean worlds, rich in
the glitter of swamps shining on the countless rainbow arches and crystal pyramids, afford an extensive view of the new Orian
boundaries of Oteson's broad kingdoms. Here course the thousands of excursionists from the measureless regions of the Huan
lights, where are to be seen a million varieties of fire-ships, of sizes from ten miles across to the breadth of a world,
in unceasing travel, in tens of thousands of directions, onward in their ways, every several one a history of millions of
years, and of thousands of millions of souls, and every soul rich in the knowledge of thousands of
(Cpenta-Armij 2:18)
Apollo, Son of Jehovih, said: In Jehovih's name speak I, Apollo, God of etherea. Hear me, O ye Gods and
Lords; the power of the Father resteth in my soul; my words are of All Wisdom. Think of this great matter: The growth of love!
As a man loveth his city and his country, what think ye Apollo hath forgotten? Have I not told it in etherea? I sprang from
the red star, the earth! Wherefore shall I not take pride before Jehovih? And hold up my head in etherea, where I have neighbors
that sprang from other stars. Shall a man forget his love because he is a God? Nay, verily. When I was mortal, I loved my
neighbors; when I entered the second resurrection, in atmospherea, I loved all the people of the earth; and when I rose to
etherea, my love expanded to a thousand worlds. But, of all places,
how can I make the earth and her heaven second in the love of my soul?
(Apollo VIII:2)
it be premised, then, that the etherean firmament is not a waste and interminable nothingness; but that, on the contrary,
it is in many regions, even between the earth and the sun, sufficiently dense for a corporeal man to dwell upon, and to walk
about, even as on the earth. Some of these are as transparent as water or clear glass, and some opaque. Some of these etherean
worlds are large as the earth, and some a thousand times larger. Some are as immense fac-similes of snow-flakes; with arches
a thousand miles high and broad. Some of them are as oceans of water; some transparent and some opaque; and some of them dense
clouds of ashes. But so great are the numbers and so vast the varieties of these thousands of millions of etherean worlds,
that description is impossible. Yet, by the telescopic power of the earth's vortexian lens, these worlds are magnified so
as to seem to be nonentities. Worlds in solution, the etherean heavens, are therefore governed by no power in, or escaping
from, corporeal worlds. In the language of the ancient prophets, they are a law unto themselves. And yet these unseen worlds
have much power and influence on the
vortices of corporeal worlds.
(Cosmogony IV13-14)
First, the earth plieth
in a circuit around the sun, which circuit is divided into four arcs called spring, summer, autumn and winter. Second, the
sun, with his family, plieth in a large circuit, which is divided into one thousand five hundred arcs, the distance of which
for each arc is about three thousand years, or one cycle. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens fall in the etherean regions
of hundreds of etherean worlds, where dwell Jehovih's high-raised angels, whose Chiefs have to do with the management of worlds.
During the time of a cycle, the earth is therefore under the control and management of such of Jehovih's angels for the resurrection
of man of the earth. (Cycles 1:1-4)
one is on the earth; grade fifty, midway betwixt the earth and the emancipated heavens, etherea. Grade twenty-five is one-quarter
way up from the earth, toward etherea; but grade seventy-five is three-quarters way upward, toward etherea. And so on, relatively,
grade and place of ascent intermediately. But grade ninety-nine is the highest atmospherean grade, preparatory to entrance
into the company of the all pure in spirit. But good works alone are not sufficient to attain the highest grades, for they
require knowledge and capacity to unfold others. To accomplish which, those of the higher grades shall oft return to the lower,
and learn to lift them up. For this is that which calleth the ethereans in the times of resurrections. Wherein the righteous,
who are yet mortal, begin at once lifting up their fellows. Which labor is to the spirit as exercise is to the mortal body,
that which giveth strength. Judge, then, thyself, O man of the earth, as to the place thy spirit will rise in the time of
death. (Judgment
VII: 12-19)
And ye shall also proclaim unto the earth and her heaven that from the first, even in the ancient days, I proclaimed
My three worlds unto all people, which are: My corporeal worlds and the lower heavens that belong thereto, and My etherean
heavens which are in the firmament above. And I said: The first glory is of the earth, whereon is paradise when man obeyeth
My commandments; and the second glory, which is greater than the first, I created for the spirits of the dead, but I bound
the lower heaven to the earth that it might travel therewith, that the communion of the dead with the living might add a glory
unto both. But the upper heaven I made the highest of all glories, and I filled the etherean firmament with countless worlds
of their kind for the dwelling places of those
that rose in the third resurrection. (Cycles III:20)
O that I could sing the songs of Thy heavens.
Thy sweet places of delight, Hanoshea and O-chi-ma and Riviokim and Pethsiades and Yenades; to find earth-words descriptive
of their delightful holiness and rejoicing in the Almighty! O that I could display their mountains and valleys and their wide
plains! Their shining waters and their forests and their stalactites and innumerable high arches. Their thousands of millions
of angels full of joy and loveliness! Their wonderful music, poured forth in Thy praise, Jehovih. Their dancing, millions in a dance; their boating and swift excursions, like thoughts in unison flying
forth, mighty in power, gleeful and full of romance! High in the grades, spotless, pure, every one a flower, a star, a diadem
in the kingdom of the Almighty! O that I could sing of the order of Thy heavens!
And of the wonderful roadways from one to another! How Thou hast planted elements in Thy kingdoms, ever trying the skill and
knowledge of Thy angels! Where genius and wisdom ever lead in Thy ways, Jehovih. Who
but Thee, O Father, could create these never-ending varieties of heavens! These wonderful plateaux, suitable habitations for
the spirits of the dead! Ever providing the higher to lift up the lower! In system and good discipline displaying the wonders
of the Almighty! O that I could sing in words to the understanding of mortals! And to such as had been called sinners and most wicked who had become in time like
diadems in Thy crown,
Jehovih, sparkling, bright with perfect holiness! (Praise, Lef 1-7)
Jehovih said: The corporeal
worlds I created round, with land and water, and I made them impenetrable, for I bring forth the living on the surface of
them. Let not man imagine that My ethereal worlds are also round and impenetrable; for of all I have created, no two alike
created I them. Now, it came to pass in the lapse of time, that the atmosphereans so loved the lower heavens, that they strove
not to ascend to the emancipated heavens of Nirvana, never having reached the bridge of Chinvat. But they oft returned to
the earth and converse with corporeans, and they lauded the glories of even the lower heavens, so that man looked up in wonder
because of the magnificence of the works of the Father. Yet these were bounded spirits. Then Jehovih made the snow-flake and
caused it to fall, that man might behold the beauty and glory of its formation. And He sent ethereans down form the emancipated
heavens, and these taught man that whatever glory he had yet heard of, was as darkness is to light, compared to the beauty
and majesty of the etherean worlds. And the ethereans held up snow-flakes, saying: In the Name of Jehovih we declare unto
you that the etherean worlds are larger than the earth, and penetrable, and full of roadways and crystals, and arches and
curves, and angles, so that were man to travel a million years on one alone, he could not see half its beauty and glory. And
the firmament of heaven hath tens of thousands of millions of etherean worlds. Let the snowflakes be before your eyes as microscopic
patterns of the worlds in high heaven; and ye shall tint them as a rainbow, and people them with countless millions of angels,
spotless, pure, holy, and rich in the knowledge of Jehovih and His
works, and full of the majesty of His love. (Plate
Who shall tell the
story of the Gods of heaven! Their mighty kingdoms, overspreading the whole earth! Hundreds and hundreds, and thousands! Their
libraries of records of valorous and holy deeds! A council chamber of half a million souls! Hundreds of departments; thousands!
Here a board to select young students to the colleges of messengers. Another board to select students to the colleges of arts.
Another to select students to mathematics. Another for prophecy. Another for great learning. Another for factories. Another
for compounding and dissolving elements. Then come the departments of the cosmogony of the stars; then, of the ethereal worlds;
then, the roadways of the firmament; then, a'ji and ji'ya, and nebulae; then, se'mu; then hi'dan and dan; then, the dawn of
dan; then, histories of the heavens far and near; then, genealogy of thousands of Orian Chiefs; the creation of mineral, vegetable
and animal kingdoms. Yea, but to enumerate the half of what cometh before a God and his council would itself fill a book.
Who, then, O Jehovih, shall venture to tell the labor and wisdom of Thy etherean Gods! How shall the second resurrection give
up its mysteries? Shall Thy recorder follow the young student for messenger, and disclose the training put upon him? How,
like a carrier dove, he is taught to go from place to place, but holding the message in his head? Then follow the student
in another department, and make a record of how he is taught? And of the multitude of questions that come before the Council
from far-off places. Then the rites and ceremonies, and the unending variety and magnificence of the music. Can a man describe
a million men and women and children? A hundred millions! A thousand millions! Five thousand millions! Who hath seen so great
a man, to do this! And yet this is but Thy lower heaven, O Jehovih!
(Osiris 7:1-2)
On Lika's ship, as on all the others, every soul, hundreds of millions, enraptured, stood in awe and admiration
of the ever-changing scenes; some in silence, absorbed in thought; some posing with upraised hands; some ejaculating gleefully;
and some in high reverence to Jehovih, uttering everlasting praise; every soul its full bent, being the full ripe fruit of
the diversified talents as they first shone forth in corporeal life. Onward sped Lika's airavagna now in the Roads of Nopita, now in the a'ji'an
Forest of Quion, most rich in adamantine substances, arches, stalactites and stalagmites, and in forming and dissolving scenes,
a forest, a very background in the etherean worlds for the over-brilliant crystal regions of light. And here, too, the tens
of thousands of ships of Jehovih's chosen; and on either side the great roadway lay the Fields of Anutiv, inhabited by countless
millions of etherean kingdoms. Along the road for hundreds of thousands of miles, stretched up the hands of millions and millions
of souls, waving banners and flags to their favored ships, going to some native star, from which Jehovih
brought them forth.
(Lika VII:2-3)
Onward moved the float, the fire-ship, with its ten million joyous
souls, now nearing the borders of Horub, the boundary of Fragapatti's honored regions, known for hundreds of thousands of
years, and for his work on many worlds. Here, reaching C'vork'um, the roadway of the solar phalanx, near the post of dan,
where were quartered five hundred million ethereans, on a voyage of exploration of more than four millions of years, rich
stored with the glories of Great Jehovih's universe. Their koa'loo, their ship, was almost like a world, so vast, and stored
with all appurtenances. They talked of going home! Their pilots had coursed the firmament since long before the earth was
made, and knew more than a million of roadways in the etherean worlds, and where best to travel to witness the grandest contrasting
scenes. By their invitation, Fragapatti halted here a while, and the hosts interchanged their love, and discoursed on their
purposes, rejoicing in the glories of Jehovih's everlasting kingdoms; and though they had lived so long, and seen so much,
every one had new and wondrous works to tell of; for so great is the inventive power of the Great Spirit, that never twice
alike will one find the scenes in the etherean worlds; radiant, differently; moving into everlasting changes, as if each one
were to outdo the former in beauty and magnificence. (Fragapatti 3:13-14)
ye, O brothers! When the conscience of man turneth inward, there is still darkness slumbering in his soul. The etherean lights
will burn him. He whose conscience no longer burned inward, becometh himself a brilliant flame of light. Through him Jehovih
speaketh. Osire ceased; and now a brilliant light descended around about the throne, and presently Jehovih spake through Osire,
saying: Times and half-times have I given to My corporeal worlds and their heavens. In a time have I made a full resurrection
to those who aspire to My heavens above. Nor do I go away from any place I created, saying: Go thou alone for a season. But
in a time I manifest a new light, for such, also, are My creations. Think not that I have given seasons to corporeal worlds
only; I gave seasons to atmospherea, also. (Osiris VI:18)
then, O Jehovih, shall venture to tell the labor and wisdom of Thy etherean Gods! How shall the second resurrection give up
its mysteries? Shall Thy recorder follow the young student for messenger, and disclose the training put upon him? How, like
a carrier dove, he is taught to go from place to place, but holding the message in his head? Then follow the student in another
department, and make a record of how he is taught? And of the multitude of questions that come before the Council from far-off
places. Then the rites and ceremonies, and the unending variety and magnificence of the music. Can a man describe a million
men and women and children? A hundred millions! A thousand millions! Five thousand millions! Who hath seen so great a man,
to do this! And yet this is but Thy lower heaven, O Jehovih! (Osiris VII:2)
And, lo and behold, when the adavaysit drew near, it was in the form and figure of the groups of Brides
and Bridegrooms of Jehovih. It had fifty thousand curtains, and one hundred thousand banners, and the hosts within the ship,
seven millions of souls, bore each a streamer of phosphorescent light, of all colors, shades and tints, and arrayed in symbols
of the name, Apollo. Unlike all other etherean ships of fire that had as yet visited the earth's heavens, it was provided
with openings in the bottom, five hundred thousand in number, which were the places of entrance and exit. And the openings
were studded with crystals of ceaseless fire, of all conceivable colors, shades and tints, and sizes and figures, curves,
circles, angles, crescents, and so on. And up within the openings, were the crystal and opaque chambers, provided for the
heirs of the third
And yet, within these chambers, were the reports of the guardian angels, of the lives and good work heretofore done by every
man and woman of all the two thousand million who were to ascend to Jehovih's higher heavens. But in all the records there
was not recorded one evil thing, or dark deed, or selfish thought; for of these things the ascended hosts had long since purged
themselves, till they were gems of the pure light of the Father of all. High up within the ship were the beams and net-work
of timber and ropes and arches; and around about the whole ship was the photosphere of its power, so that the whole adavaysit
was like a crystal ship within a globe of phosphorescent light; and yet, in fact, the ship was the true light, and the angels
the light of that light, whilst the photosphere was really the shell of darkness made reflective. This, then, was the size
of the adavaysit; two thousand miles, east and west, and north and south, diameters; and seven thousand miles high. And the
ship within it was one hundred miles, east and west, and north and south, diameters; and two hundred miles high. As the earth
is opaque, with a transparent vortex around it, so not so, but opposite, is the structure of an etherean adavaysit, being
light and habitable within as well as without, like the etherean worlds in the firmament. As Jehovih maketh worlds, and sendeth
them forth in the places of His firmament, so, in imitation of Him, His etherean Gods and Goddesses make adavaysits to traverse
space from star to star, and from one etherean region to another. Great in wisdom and power are Jehovih's etherean Gods and
Goddesses! Yet they, too, were once but men and women, with
corporeal bodies. (Apollo
And it came to pass that when the great light had descended to
the plateau of Hored there came forth out of the light one million archangels, from the arc of Wan in the Hosts of A'ji, in
the orbit of Fow'sang in etherea, and they bore regalia and crowns from the Orian chief of Harmuts. Foremost of the archangels
was Etisyai, and her brother Ya'tiahaga, commissioners from the etherean heaven. When they came near me, Etisyai gave the
sign of Jehovih's name, greeting, halting, and saying: All hail! In Jehovih's name, and in the love of Harmuts, Orian chief,
we come to greet thee, first God of the lower heaven, belonging to the corporeal earth! I said: All hail, O emissaries of
Harmuts, Chief of Orian worlds! Come, O Etisyai, and thy brother and all this host! Come honor My throne, in Great Jehovih's
name! The archangels then came forward, saluting, and Etisyai said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, I found here a throne! And she
caused to rise the form and substance thereof, and she ascended thereon, and Ya'tiahaga with her. And the other archangels
formed a crescent in front of the throne, all of them bearing crowns or diadems, but they stood upright. And now the angels
of the host of God took their places, that they might witness the testimony of Jehovih's commission, but the lights from the
columns of fire, brilliant in all colors and shades and tints, baffled many of them from seeing plainly. When all things were
in readiness Etisyai, standing erect and brilliant like a star, raised her right hand, saying: JEHOVIH! All-wise and Powerful!
In Thy name, this Thy Son, God, I crown! From the Orian chief, Harmuts, raised to the rank of God, and by Thee, O JEHOVIH,
ordained! Henceforth to be known forever in the emancipated heavens as Thy Son! PEACE! WISDOM! LOVE! POWER! And now with her left hand she raised high the crown, so that all might see and bear witness, and giving
the sign again of Jehovih's name above the crown, wherefrom a flame of light shot forth brilliantly. Thereupon she placed
the crown on God's head, saying: Arise, O My Son, thou Son of JEHOVIH! Instantly there arose from the millions of souls
one universal shout: All hail, O Son of Jehovih! And God rose up, having the crown on his head, and the people cheered him
lustily, for he was well beloved. Etisyai said: Bring forth thy five chief Lords that I may crown them also. God then caused
the five chief Lords whom he had selected to sit at the foot of the throne. Again Etisyai raised her right hand, saying:
O JEHOVIH! Almighty! From Whom all glories emanate! In Thy name, these Thy Sons, I crown, Lords of the earth, and of the waters
of the earth! From the Orian chief Harmuts! By my commission do I raise them to the rank of lords for kingdoms of heaven!
PEACE! WISDOM! LOVE! POWER! Then Etisyai took the crowns, which were handed
her by the other archangels, and placed them on the heads of the Lords, saying: Arise,
O my Lords, and BE YE Lords of JEHOVIH for His Glory! And BE YE the Lords of God, having dominion over the earth and the waters
of the earth, in LOVE, WISDOM, and POWER, AMEN!
onward, upward sped the airavagna, her hosts viewing the scenes on every side, here most, the richest part and most glorious
places of Aalkwatka. Where the etherean worlds, rich in the glitter of swamps shining on the countless rainbow arches and
crystal pyramids, afford an extensive view of the new Orian boundaries of Oteson's broad kingdoms. Here course the thousands
of excursionists from the measureless regions of the Huan lights, where are to be seen a million varieties of fire-ships,
of sizes from ten miles across to the breadth of a world, in unceasing travel, in tens of thousands of directions, onward
in their ways, every several one a history of millions of years, and of thousands of millions of souls, and every soul rich
in the knowledge of thousands of worlds. By music alone, some their ships propelled, the vibratory chords affording power
sufficient in such high-skilled hands, and the tunes changing according to the regions traversed. Others, even by colors made
in the waves of sound, went forward, carrying millions of angels, every one attuned so perfectly that his very presence lent
power and beauty to the monarch vessel. And downward and upward, and east and west, and north and south, and of every angle
and course; such were the traveling regions of Wellagowthiij, in the etherean fields of Oteson. And of the million ships, with their tens of thousands of millions of spirits, who so great a Goddess,
like Cpenta-armij, could turn her well-learned eyes on any one, and know its home regions, and from what Orian pastures sailed;
or perhaps Nirvanian rivers! Or, like her visiting friends now with her, great Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, that with
her stood side by side, reading the coursing fleets, and relating to one another who they were, and the great Chiefs aboard,
with whom thousands of years ago they had been together taming some rambling star and quieting its disburbed vortex, or perhaps
surveying a roadway many millions of miles through the a'ji'an forest. And the while the airavagna was shooting on in the
hands of her proper officers, every one to his part and all the hosts in varied amusement; for such is the labor of the high
raised in heaven, labor itself becometh an amusement of great relish. Coming then to the Crossings, near Bilothowitchieun,
where was a small colony, ninety million etherean weavers, superintended by Cpenta-armij's ward, Hoewuel, God of two thousand
years, who knew she was coming his way, and had lighted the roadway a hundred thousand miles in honor thereof, she turned
the airavagna and cast the streamers and banners, saluting. Here again Cpenta-armij sent down to her beloved sons and daughters,
for every one, flowers and keepsakes; and on every flower was written the history and mission to the earth and her heavens.
And then again the airavagna upward rose and sped on. Thus in Jehovih's wide universe went forth the Goddess, the Chieftainess,
Cpenta-armij, went toward the red star; passing through ten thousand varieties of etherean worlds and roadways in the ji'ay'an
fields and forests of high heaven, seeing millions of etherean ships going hither and thither, every one knowing its own mission
and field of labor, whilst the highest raised Gods and Goddesses could exchange courtesies with the fiery vehicles, and speak
them, to know whither bent, and for what purpose. Then rising high; here on a level lieth the earth, here the boundary of
her vortex, Chinvat; just beyond the sweep of the moon; halteth here to view the rolling earth, her land and water; and her
atmospherean heavens, the sojourning place of the newly dead, and of such as have not aspired to rise to holier
heavens. (Cpenta-armij
II: 18-23)