I and my Creator are
one. I am a form of the Infinite Intelligence. I am the former of the physical frame. I have outgrown the limitations
of matter. I have outgrown the limitations of selfishness. I am an immortal being of light. I am superior to matter
and mortal desires. I am radiant with our Creator's Love. I am conscious of Infinite Wisdom and Love. I live in
endless splendor. I behold the beauty of the Eternal Being. I behold the beauty of the eternal angels. I shall
abide in the Ever-Present forever.
Radiance XV v. 2, June 1997.
them with peace, light and love, O Creator. Bless them with awareness of Thy Presence. Bless them with beautiful thoughts
and feelings. Bless them with soul-strengthening power. Bless them with the will to serve the good of others. Bless
them with awareness of their immortality. Bless them with the joy of being. Bless them with the desire for a higher
light by which to live. Bless them with the desire to know the truth about life and the reason for their existence. Bless
them with a realization of their divinity. Bless them with the truth of their co-creatorship with Thee. Bless them
with faith in the goodness of life.
Radiance III v. 2, June 1985.
T H I N K !
The shortest
of sermons is in one word: Think! Think, but not just to form opinions, and not only for self welfare and satisfaction.
Think to find the truth. Think to perceive the highest light for mankind. Think to establish communications with
your Creator. Think to create good thoughts and feelings for others. Think to find the greatest good you can do. Think
to question the nature of your being. Think to understand the nature of the Eternal Being. Think to ponder the purpose
of your existence. Think to understand the difference between light and darkness. Think to uncover your best qualities
and noblest aims. Think to bring peace and love to the world.
Radiance VI v. 3, May, 1987.
Behold an angel stands before you. He is all radiant with the glory of the Creator's presence. His face
shines forth his realizations of love, which is the beauty of holiness. Every feature of his countenance expresses
the purity, tenderness and nobility of divine Love personified.
His personality vibrates with the music of love, which
is the harmony of heaven. His whole form shines with the light of his creative thought. Even his garments are luminous
with the joyous radiance which proceeds from his inmost soul.
As you conceive of this image of Jehovih's love,
your soul is enraptured by the thought of divine loveliness and feels the benediction of love streaming from this angelic
This angel of beauty and power reveals how Jehovih expresses through an exalted human being as Love. And
this angel shows you what are the possibilities of your real Self. He once lived in the dark and limited conditions of
this world and had weaknesses similar to yours to overcome. Sane day you will live in and express the Light which he now
represents. Your soul now contains the wisdom and power which will flower forth into a strong radiant personality. You
shall shine as a sun in the kingdom of the Ever-Present
Let your soul express the love it is capable of feeling, and
you will soon realize that you are an angel of Jehovih's presence radiating light and peace to everyone in your world.
An angel of the Almighty stands with you now, impressing you with thoughts divine, and with beautiful feelings
that make you glad to be alive. The angel is a being of light and love, but also strong in will to serve the Creator.
She is helping you to be strong in purpose, but at the same time to be cheerful and loving, not overly serious. She represents
the hosts of light who are working with mortals all over the world. She is powerful in protecting you against any and
all psychic forces which might try to influence your thoughts and behavior in negative or destructive ways. Think of the
angel, not as an isolated individual, but as one with many, and one with the All Highest; and think of yourself in the
same way. Identify yourself with the Hosts of Light. You are strong to do Jehovih's will, and radiant with His love. You
can never be defeated if you hold to this awareness. Many souls are seeking truth. You have found it. Make the most of
Radiance I v. 3, August, 1983.
You possess the power of mind to
bless others and thus benefit them, and at the same time you are benefiting yourself.
By the mental act of cursing
others, you can injure them, but you will also injure yourself by doing so.
When you think, feel, or will, your spirit
creates a force through your brain. This force of your thought vibrates through your brain and nerves and then out to other
minds as a spiritual force.
If you think dark thoughts, or feel condemnation, criticism, hatred, or ill-will toward
them, you can generate and send to that person a spiritual force as real as the force of radio waves sent out by a radio transmitter.
By vibrating a negative thought or feeling through your nature, you also harm yourself. Thus you are poisoned by your own
destructive thoughts.
When you bless others or pray that they shall enjoy health or prosperity, or when you experience
any good feeling or goodwill for another, you actually create a force of thought which goes to that other mind with unerring
aim. At the same time, your good thought tunes your entire nature to a good vibration and creates a tonic in your body superior
to anything you could drink or ingest.
"How can one bless?" you ask. "How does one curse? How does one criticize or
We know we should not condemn. Why? Because you use your God-given power of creative thought destructively
and "with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again."
You may have heard people curse with such anger
and vehemence that they seemed transformed into veritable devils for the time being. And so they were!
Animated by
love and goodwill, you can bless with the same fervor and you will transformed, temporarily at least, into an angel.
personal expression of love and goodwill can eventually transform your whole nature into an image of love and goodwill. Thus
you will perfectly personify the Goodwill of your Creator.
When we learned that we possessed the power to bless a
person a hundred or a thousand miles away, and that by the simple act of creating blessings and feeling goodwill we could
benefit and sometimes heal others, we felt that we had found one of the greatest powers in the universe. And so we had!
had discovered the mighty secret that the Creative Intelligence of the Almighty could express through our will and thought
to bless and heal Jehovih's children who were too weak in faith or will to exercise the Infinite Power which dwells within
Our blessings of love were a spiritual force that helped the Creative Intelligence in those we blessed
to overcome weakness and disease of mind or body.
For years we have been proving that human beings possess the Power
of the Creator wherewith to bless and benefit others; and by so doing they will reap the greatest benefits themselves.
and you shall receive," is the Law of Love.
When people curse, they use language adapted to the expression of their
feelings. It is the feeling which constitutes the life and the power of the curse. So when we bless, it is the feeling that
constitutes the life and power of the Blessing. A negative, passive, or weak blessing will have little influence for good.
A positive feeling of goodwill, a sincere desire to benefit another, when formed into words, "The Creator bless you," or "We
bless you," will carry the energy of your feelings and will.
"Is it not better to ask the Creator to bless than for
us to be so presumptuous as to bless with our own love and goodwill?" you ask. Recognize that the creative will of the Creator
is in your will, and that you are using your will as the Ever-Present intended that you should use it, and then your seeming
presumption will be positive faith in the presence and power of the Creator in you. This is a more positive and efficient
attitude of mind than that of supplication. Have faith you are about the All One's business when you endeavor to do good,
and feel that the Creator wills through your will, and loves through your love, and you will grow mighty in faith and
In the solitude of your own soul, send your friend a blessing by forming thoughts after this fashion:
friend, I love you and bless you with my love. I desire to heal you and give you peace. I will with the Creator's Will that
you shall now realize the Ever-Present healing life within your will. I bless you with my goodwill, and thus express to
you the goodwill of the I AM."
Radiance XIV v. 2, p. 9-11 June, 1996