FLOW WITH GENTLE SPIRIT Entrust yourself to the care of Jehovih. You are not without resources to use on your own,
but you must 'Let go and let God' at times in order to equalize the flow of energy. You must realize when to be active and
when to rest in the knowledge that good is being done. We do not mean to confuse you. Of course, you are responsible for
taking care of your needs, but not to the extent that the Creator is given no space to inspire you or to encourage a spontaneous
act just for the beauty of it. New thoughts can grow out of a resting place, and you may only realize in retrospect
that all the years of intense, unmitigated activity sometimes yield little fruit of a lasting nature. So, balance your schedule
to be productive, but softly done, with time for prayer, rest, recreation and meditation. The Creator will speak to you all
the more clearly and your life will be wonderfully enhanced. Radiance XII v. 6, p. 23-24. February, 1995
AN INSTRUMENT OF LIGHT The Creator's Love and Healing Power are present with you now, in every cell of
your brain and body. His Beautiful Angels are present in your spiritual environment, ready to work with you and guide you
as you hold yourself in attunement with the Almighty. You can be an instrument of Light for all in your world. Make that
your goal. Nothing is more important. You need to be aware of your oneness with Jehovih and His Angelic Workers more than
you need anything else in the world. It is the source of your health and happiness. You are here to love and be loved,
to serve and to be served. Nothing that happens, no matter how disastrous it may seem, can take away from you your oneness
with Jehovih. This is the solid, everlasting foundation of your being. Your thoughts may be concentrated on material things,
needs, work or objectives, but in the background of your consciousness, Jehovih's Presence is felt. You know you cannot move
without Him / Her. He / She is the energy and intelligence of your being. Nothing is more real than the reality of His /
Her Presence. Your power is His / Her Power. Your love is His / Her Love. Your intelligence is His / Her intelligence.
Your being is His / Her Being. Radiance I v. 4, p. 3. October, 1983 OPEN UP TO THE LIGHT The
plateau is filled with love and goodwill. We all love each other and are great friends, that's why we are in the same plateau.
Our inner lights shine forth here and mingle together to create the best good that we can. None of us claim to be better
than the others. We are all together developing, just as you are. The only difference is that we have a concerted will,
and we are selfless. We do not let self get in the way. There is no shame of failure, for in failure we learn. If we do
not fail, we do not progress. No one except the Ever-Present can always be right, always perfect. We can communicate with
each other openly and lovingly. There is no need to hide our thoughts. We are all in the service of the Creator, to do His
/ Her Will. How can we work effectively if we do not express our feelings to each other? Open yourselves up to express
the highest light. Do not let self get into the way. Self does not necessarily mean being selfish. It could mean that
you are holding onto your own thoughts and feelings, and not letting it out and not letting go either. You are keeping and
holding all these secretive, brooding thoughts there which act as a barrier between you and the highest light. Friends,
be open and loving. Let your soul power shine forth. Open up all those dark gates and let out all the secrets and thoughts
you don't want to release. Clean them all out, just as you would a closet full of accumulated junk. Be a glory to thy
Creator. Radiance I v. 4, p. 5-6. October, 1983 PRAISE AND THANKS TO THEE JEHOVIH! Praise
and Thanks to Thee Jehovih! Over and over, we say it. Thou art present and in command. Thou art accomplishing Thy Purpose
in our lives. Thou art healing our ills and reshaping us into instruments for bringing Thy Light to the world. Thou art
providing for our welfare in many ways. Thou art inspiring us with good judgment in the handling of our affairs. Thou art
using us to raise up earthbound spirits who are so great a burden to humanity. The art creating a movement toward the attainment
of the highest ideals of divine purpose, to give freedom, equality and justice to all, to welcome into our country all
who wish to come here to build a better life. Praise and thanks to Thee. We cannot enumerate all the blessings Thou
hast made possible, and all the good that is, and will be. Thou art the very life of our lives, and the substance and spirit
of all things. We give Thee our recognition as often as possible during each day, striving for the state of continuous awareness.
We give faith to Thy Presence in all people we contact, and in every living creature, that we may help to make the world more
healthy and harmonious, and more attuned to Thy Will, Wisdom, and Love. Radiance XV v. 5, p. 32. December,
1997 THE VOICE WITHIN We turn to Thee in thought, O Creator, directing our attention to Thee in an
effort to describe, explain or comprehend our existence. We seek Light, first for ourselves; and then, losing the sense
of separateness, for all who need it and whom we can help. We need to quiet the lesser self, put aside the clamorings
of the earth-bound spirits around us, and give ourselves to the purpose of serving Thee. Thou art a Voice, speaking in our
souls, a silent Voice, not coming with audible sounds, but with impressions, as though it is ourselves talking to ourselves.
Thy Voice speaks with compassion for all, with gentleness, kindliness, love, and also with faith, strength and authority.
Thou speakest with such expansiveness of vision, such benevolence, such vibrancy of new life as is not of the mortal mind
or consciousness. Thy Voice is both of thought and feeling, carrying a message of such great upliftment and promise for mankind
that it is difficult to capture in words. We are listening, O Creator, and trying to put into practice what Thou art
telling us. Radiance XI v. 1, p. 32. April, 1993 CREATIVE ENERGY STARTS FROM WITHIN Creative
energy starts from within. It bubbles outward when you draw on your inner resources to solve a problem or to give new expression
to a feeling. We cannot say that it is exclusive of environment, for you may be stimulated by your surroundings, but it is
not dependent on outside circumstances either. You see, this energy is available to you at all times. It may come forth
when you are in prayer or you may sense its surge when a job calls for action. The important thing to remember is that it
is yours already, a gift of the Creator's Ever-Present unfolding. You may think that only inventors and artists have strong
creative powers but, in actuality, we are all destined to create new worlds, beginning with a positive direction and focus
for ourselves right now. Radiance XII v. 5, p. 10. December, 1994 THY WILL IN US Thy Will
in us, O Creator, is supreme. It keeps us holding to the higher aims, following the higher light. Yet it does not compel
us. It is a Voice; yet, it is more than that. It is a desire of the true self to do what is right, to serve Thee in all
things. It is strength, determination, self-control. It is the steady hand on the wheel in stormy seas. It is not
tyrannical, but is balanced by wisdom and love. It could sweep away all darkness with hurricane force; but here, with
us, in this time and place, it is gently persuasive, allowing us liberty to experience, investigate, and judge for ourselves.
It is saying, 'Unbind yourselves. Make yourselves free to experience the joy of living in oneness with Me!' Thy Will,
O Creator, is a determination in us to uncover the highest light that a mortal can know and express. It is a persistent searching,
a never satisfied reaching for the All Highest. It is the yearning of the soul to fulfill its destiny. It is the strength
for mastering every form of darkness, and overcoming every limitation. It is the basic power behind all our forward progress
and achievement. Radiance XIV v. 1, p. 1. April, 1996