Tremendous energy and power are stored
in your soul, more than enough for every physical need. By continuous affirmation you can bring this power into manifestation.
The patient affirmation of truth, continued with persistence, with conviction that all you desire will be accomplished, is
the power of faith to bring about all good. Affirm:
I am a soul organized of the potencies of the living Ever-Present.
I call all my soul power into action to quicken all my organs, and reorganize my body into an image of health and perfection.
The Creator is the power that works through my soul to quicken, purify and spiritualize my body. My soul is the power
that polarizes the atoms and holds my body in form according to the mental pattern. I am not bound by any mortal or spiritual
limitations. The antiquated beliefs of the inertness and grossness of matter and the physical body are dissolved from my mind.
There is no inertia or sluggishness in my body. It is alive throughout every organ and atom with mental energy and intelligence.
I will arouse the dormant powers of my soul and so infuse my body with new life and intelligence that every particle
will tingle and vibrate with the vitality and health of the Almighty Creator. My body responds to every thought and feeling
centered in it. I will cultivate the force and latent intelligence in my being until it becomes responsive and active, until
it becomes living thought energy, and obeys the will of my soul.
I will infuse all the life and power of my immortal
soul into my being. I must be quickened and spiritualized. I must vibrate with life. The intelligence latent in every
organ must be aroused to operate in divine harmony for the health of the whole body. I bless every internal organ with the
cleansing activity of the Spirit of the I AM, which flows through my soul into my mind and fills the blood with the cleansing
waters of life.
Read over the foregoing statements a number of times daily, emphasizing those with special personal
meaning. The mighty power of the Creator is in and all around you awaiting your word of appropriation. You can speak words
of truth until, verily, your whole nature will be vibrating, the Word of Power manifesting.
(Healing Currents, p.
Assume a restful attitude and let the above
thought occupy your mind. Picture in your imagination the reality of the living, healing Presence of your Creator. As you
hold this thought in mind, know that your soul and body are being illuminated, spiritualized and harmonized by the Living
Power of the Ever-Present. Cultivate by love and devotion this heavenly Presence. Your soul will awaken under the influx of
that Divine Pervasive Presence, and new and holy aspirations will be born. You will feel your soul and mind and body being
transformed into the harmony and perfection that are your real, eternal character.
After you have continued this practice
for a time you will begin to realize as never before that your soul is an actual intelligent power, superior to your conscious
mind, created in the image and character of the Creator. Your divine nature will grow in strength and power daily, and you
will praise and glorify the Creator as the regenerator and energizer of your soul. Then you will love to give time to
silence and meditation, so your soul may be fed by the influx of Divine Inspiration.
From this awakening of the soul,
there will come to you a new and more potent vitality that will heal and harmonize all your nature. Your soul will begin to
realize its godlike dominion over negativity, sickness and death. It will become a potent magnet of love to draw to itself
all that is required of wisdom and wealth to promote its spiritual welfare.
(Healing Currents, p. 79)
You must build up a more positive spiritual body of thought for yourself, by thinking truths over and
over until they become part of your mind. You will become so positive in truth by this method that you will feel the vibrations
of truth, and nothing else. But this is practice that must be made the work of a lifetime. The fruitage from it will be
a spiritual body that shall grow and develop in power and dominion throughout all the progressions of spiritual life.
way to overcome distracting outside thoughts is to cultivate your thinking power by systematic effort. Find some special studies
in Truth that are interesting to you, carry them with you, and use them as a means of concentration for the development
of your mental power.
The Spirit flows into the body only through the channels of one's thoughts and feelings. In
the thought or feeling of the Creator there is unlimited healing and transforming power, and as the mind is exalted to feel
and think as the Creator thinks and feels, the thought power which creates perfection becomes the inspiration of the body,
and the negative mind of the body evolves into an image of its peace and perfection, making visible the Power of the Ever-Present
The mind lives in and senses through every nerve of the body. The will of the mind is done, consciously and
unconsciously, in every particle of the physical substance; thus you see your body is responsive to mental force. As your
mind is attuned to the Mind which prevails in the order and harmony of the universe, the atoms of your nature will obey the
Infinite Law which planets and suns obey, and will manifest the harmony and health which are the natural expression of the
Creator's Perfect Life. There is life in unlimited abundance. There is intelligence and power sufficient for every need,
and you are given the free will to use and organize all the potencies of the Divine Mind for the building of a temple
of health that shall fulfill your ideal and make your understanding of the goodness and power of the Great Spirit visible
to everyone you meet.
(Healing Currents, p. 33-34)
The essential attributes
of the Great Spirit are organized in your own individual soul. The Creator has organized omniscient into a glowing sun of
light and power, and this divine ego is your soul, your true self, the Power of your mind and body.
The Living Pearl
of Divinity is the Presence of Jehovih within your nature. You can well afford to sell all your accumulations of earthly thought,
even though it seems a great sacrifice, in order to attain conscious possession of this Pearl of great price.
Divine Individual Essence of Jehovih is slumbering in the spiritual depths of your being, awaiting the quickening word to
arouse His / Her Mighty Consciousness into spiritual activity and power.
Spiritualize your mind and body, or your
positive and negative mind, with the radiance of the Creator's Presence through prayerful devotion, for thus you will polarize
to yourself the spiritual emanations of the Ever-Present, which will surround and infuse your soul with heavenly life and
strength, and awaken it again to realization of its mighty possibilities as a living son or daughter of the Creator.
fervent devotion of spirit, pour out your prayers and praises to the Great Glory Who is the Sum of Almightiness within and
above your soul being, and thereby you will generate the quickening flame that will set your soul on fire with conscious,
blissful power.
Only is the zeal and purity of a devotional life, of a mind and body purified of earthly thoughts
and desires and living to fulfill the purpose of the soul, which is the will of the Creator, can the soul develop, expand
its immortal potentialities, and make the Ever-Present's Power manifest in your being.
Unless you are living for your
soul, you have not learned to live; the great meaning and purpose of life are to you as a book that has not been opened. You
are conscious in only the lowest and dreariest zone of consciousness. All the blissful pleasures of the higher states
of thought and feeling in your being, the joyous mingling of the positive and negative attributes of your spiritual nature,
are hidden from you. The doors of heaven, through which streams the light of eternal consciousness, seem closed, and you seek
for pleasure and peace where none are to be found.
Turn to the Light that never fails, to the Love that is longing
to enfold you in conscious bliss; turn from your idols of flesh, which intoxicate the mind and destroy the body; turn to the
Creator! If you will worship the Eternal Presence with the same untiring zeal with which you sought transient things, you
will be rewarded with the Infinite's Unchanging Love, and your soul will awaken to Immortal Life. Then, with your help, it
will purify and glorify the sacred centers in your body and teach you the secret of spiritual alchemy, whereby the conserved
forces of your body pass through a transmutation that refines them into a substance necessary to the soul in the expression
of the Word of Power.
This knowledge will be useless you unless you have proven your sincerity by overcoming the selfish
and mortal desires that hold you back, and by conquering all attractions that would draw you from your devotion to your divine
purpose of making the Ever-Present Spirit manifest in your life. For without absolute purity of life, the soul which is
born from the immaculate purity of the divine nature, cannot keep in correspondence with the flesh, because of the partition
created by unprogressive thoughts and feelings. but when your will, coupled with the awakened will of your soul, has gained
complete dominion over the desires of the flesh, your soul will express through your pure, true thought, and flood the
seven sacred centers in your body with its soul consciousness.
O, that all children of the Creator might learn of
the holy path of regeneration, the straight and narrow path which leads to the highest mastery, and gives the greatest joy
and peace to the individual.
Once you see this path of immortality, its purity, its grace, and its bliss, you will
be filled with a divine enthusiasm to travel it to the supreme goal, and you will see the uselessness of all mortal aims
that do not help you to fulfill the object of your soul's existence, the manifestation of the Creator in form and power. Once
you place your feet on this path you will forward steadily in a progressive way, allowing no obstacle to hinder your determination,
nor any idea of time to disturb your faith. You will be filled with the conviction that you are on the Path of Life, and only
by systematic effort for days, months and years can you fulfill the object of your being.
When all thoughts and desires
of your nature are polarized toward the realization of the highest ideal, even the loss of the physical counterpart of the
mind, the body, will not stop your upward progression through the eons of eternity. Your soul will continue to inhabit its
pure mind-body or spirit form, and it will continue the development and regeneration of its mental forces. Thus, your soul
will perfect the expression of its wisdom and power through its spiritual body in all its future progression in the objective
realms of the universal heavens. (Healing Currents, p. 107-109)
There is but one manner
of life on this plane that will bring satisfaction to the soul and enable it to express its powers in an ever-ascending degree
through its physical temple, and that is the devotional life. The life that is entirely consecrated and devoted to the Creator's
service in love and truth keeps the door open for the entrance of that inspiring Presence. Such a life fulfills all
the divine laws, and the soul attains, while incarnate, a greater growth and expression of its Powers, and gains from its
earthly experience a power and wisdom that make it a God-like being in the realms of eternal life and bliss. There is
true healing in the life devoted to service to others rather than preoccupied with service to self.
You need to keep
your mind open toward the Heavenly Creator by speaking with intensity and devotion the word of exalted truth to all parts
of your being. It is the intense devotion and love of the whole nature turned in one direction that polarize the Presence
and Power of Eternal Truth. Rouse up your spiritual powers by using statements such as these daily:
My soul is awakened
and illuminated by the Presence and Power of the Creator. My soul is glorified by Infinite Light and Glory. My soul is radiant
with the Everlasting power of the Ever-Present, and I am satisfied to express this power from day to day.
My soul
is regenerating harmoniously, peacefully and satisfactorily. The Creator's Mighty Glory folds round me and holds me in eternal
The Eternal Power is with me. The Eternal Presence is guiding me on the path of wisdom and peace.
Illuminating Power of the Ever-Present is born within my soul, and all my nature rejoices with glad praise and thanksgiving
that the Power of heaven and earth has taken Its abode within this holy temple.
In stillness I sense the Creator's
Silent Power within me and It fills my soul with peace.
(Healing Currents, p. 105-106)
How is the realization of the Living Truth to be gained? By unceasing devotion to the Creator through
daily study of divine truth and by daily prayer for more of the Spirit in heart and mind, united to mental affirmation of
the love and wisdom and perfection in the soul.
You are in this world for no other purpose than the development and
expression of your soul, through service to your Creator by serving the needs of others. Through fulfilling this necessity
of your being, you will find enduring growth and satisfaction, and in no other way. If you turn all your attention to earthly
things and do not develop your immortal soul, you will not find enjoyment in the realms of light when you leave this world,
and you will feel no attraction toward the realms where congregate the enlightened and wise souls of heaven. Unless you develop
a love for Divine Wisdom, and express Love in helping others while here, the social life of the heavenly spheres will prove
distressing and confusing to you, because there is no self-centered happiness there any more than here, except in the activity
of the higher faculties of the mind and soul. So, if your live is for earthly things and affairs entirely, if your treasure
is in this world, your heart will be here and you will remain in the atmosphere of earth as an earthbound spirit, hovering
about the marts of trade, the home, the club, or the tavern, according to your quality, in an unsettled state of weary search
for the peace which earth-life cannot give you.
Once we see that we are immortal minds, creating an immortal destiny
by the quality of our thoughts, desires, and aspirations, we feel how important it is for us to make the building of a noble,
sincere and generous character the business of life.
(Healing Currents, p. 134)
Omnipotent Will of the Creator is holding worlds and solar systems in obedience to a harmonious order. You stand in the highest
order of created beings, and you have the ability to come in direct contact with the Divine Will, to the end that It may express
Its purpose of perfection through your whole nature. Develop the Divine Will within you by expressing It. You can cultivate
such a mighty force of will by the constant assertion, "I am, I will!" that every temptation will be overcome and every bad
habit transformed into good by the awakening of this mighty attribute of your divinity. These affirmations will give you the
godlike power of dominion:
I am a living Soul of Jehovih's Ever-Presence. I will realize the majesty and glory
of my divine Soul. I will feel constantly that I am an angel of Light and Love. I will exercise my dominion over every
negative condition of body and affairs. I will conquer all evil. I will resist all temptations. I will fill every
organ of my nature with healing life. I will express the perfect life and health that exist in my soul. I will become
such a magnet of love that harmony and prosperity will surround me on all sides. I praise the Creator for this mighty
power that is now mine.
(Healing Currents, p. 66)