Even if you are not inspired
with words of inspiration, your feelings of peace and goodwill are a help to the work being done. You are contributing by
your attunement with the Creator. Just relax and let your good feelings flow forth to everyone. You do not need to prove yourself
to anyone. Your listening, questioning attitude, your willingness to serve, is commendable. Be happy you are where you are,
and that you are part of a great work for mankind. You are a blessing. The love you express is your contribution. Let
things happen. The Creator is in control. The work goes forward successfully. If you do nothing else but radiate love,
and be kind and helpful to everyone, you are furthering the work, making possible new avenues of upliftment. Just keep your
thoughts with the Ever-Present, identifying yourself with Him. Be thankful and full of praise. You exist in Him and with Him.
Nothing can ever separate you, or defeat you, as long as you speak His Name and know you are one with Him in light, love,
and purpose. The guidance needed for the progress of the work is coming through. Rejoice!
Radiance I v. 5, p. 11.
December, 1983
It does not so much matter what happens to us in life as what attitude
we sustain toward the experiences that come to us. If we can keep poised and calm, and keep our faith in the Creator paramount
above everything else, whatever happens to us will be a means of soul growth and spiritual development.
Wherever you
are, we know that you are doing good. You are helping others in many ways that you do not realize. Every person who shares
our objectives as part of a Concord of Creators has an important part to play in the awakening of humanity. Even the little
things we do which may seem futile to us, are often of utmost importance to the beings farther advanced than we are.
is a joy to feel your cooperation and to know that through you the Angel Hosts are pouring their blessings to all in your
Radiance XVI v. 5, p. 26. December, 1998
Forge ahead with the best
of intentions, here, in your daily life. You can do a lot as a group together in one place, or as a group in separate
places, if you have a common thread to unite you. You cannot have the effect you want if you are uninvolved emotionally. That
is, if your enthusiasm and love for what you do drains away or gets stunted, only a modicum of ritual will remain. This is
not the way of spiritual growth.
You must listen to your heart and hear where it wants to go in service to the world.
This can be done in many forms, in many surroundings. You do not have to be limited by any prescribed notions of what has
been suggested in the past. The world is open to upliftment from many angles, and your special talents will speak in their
own unique way.
Radiance XV v. 5, p. 28. December, 1997
Faith without expression
is dead. Faith in the Creator?ove without the expression of love in thought, word, and deed is a negative state. Have faith
that, as a soul, you are a perfect child of the Ever-Present, but do not stop there. The soul is perfect to the degree that
it expresses love. Express the quality of love, and by daily practice cultivate the spirit of love, and you will become as
perfect as your love is perfect.
Radiance XV v. 5, p. 26. December, 1997
energy exists in latent form, like a resource waiting to be tapped. But this is energy enduring. Treated properly, it
does not dry up or wither. You can create for all your days, whether here in the physical body or beyond. It takes a certain
understanding to bring it forth, however. We cannot guarantee that everyone will find it by serendipity. Some do, but others
need to cultivate it by design. We encourage all to find their talents by talking with the Creator, and then acting out whatever
your inspiration is. One step leads to another and, before too long, you will recognize exactly what it is that you can contribute.
If you are true to your inner light, your gift will be unique and you will express it with joy.
Radiance XV v.
1, p. 11. April, 1997
Walk with new energy, talk with true confidence, breathe with deep
peace, with understanding, with love. Love that is conveyed with sincerity, with joy, with respect. Let love be the force
that instills a sense of well being, that encourages growth, that inspires and awakens. Love is life energy like the quickening
breath of the Creator which gives the soul life eternal. The heart of each soul beats in tune with the heartbeat of the Creator.
Take in the vibrant, healing energy that is the Creator's love and give out this love to your world in equal measure.
Walk with new energy, walk with love, the soul of life.
Radiance XV v. 1, p. 15. April, 1997
When problems arise, or whenever we are disturbed by happenings which seem to add to our difficulties, these are
just more challenges, O Creator, through which we can grow in awareness and attunement with Thee. It seems unnecessary to
reiterate this, but we have not accepted it completely, or else we would practice it better. Thou art in control of our lives,
but if we do not give enough faith to this truth in its positive aspect, that control will not always manifest to produce
order and harmony in our affairs. If we are disturbed by anything, that is, in negative ways, it is Thy way of showing us
that we can improve our attunement, and build up a stronger faith. W should not ask that everything be smooth and easy. Challenges
are our greatest impetus for growth. We always felt that we had to have peace and quiet in order to concentrate with Thee.
It is the most ideal condition for meditation and prayer, of course. But our purpose is to learn to sustain awareness and
attunement every moment, and we need the experience of trying to do so under difficult conditions. Thy Angels go into areas
of darkness and turmoil, and must keep attuned, no matter what they see or hear. The guardian angels over mortals must maintain
a strong faith no matter how their charges act, and regardless of the troubles that may come upon them. Shall we give up when
things go wrong, and revert to being safe again? When we find ourselves in a disturbing situation shall we complain, or blame
the opposition, and feel that Thy Power is not able to cope with things? Perhaps the so-called opposition is our greatest
asset, if it serves to call into action our highest and best efforts. Thou art All-Powerful, O Creator, but we have to learn
how to bring Thy Power, Wisdom, and Love into play under all sorts of conditions, and make it work for the regeneration of
our natures. We are learning to thank Thee for all the unwanted happenings and conditions in our lives, as well as
for the desired things and to rejoice in the opportunities given us, through which we can overcome difficulties and demonstrate
Thy Presence in our souls.
Radiance XVI v. 2, p. 8-9. June, 1998
Let your
highest light shine through all the clouds of mundane distractions which burden your soul. All that is required to succeed
is the emphatic decision to make it so. Too often, when we are immersed in the striving required by corporeal commitments,
we permit ourselves to be drawn along by the vents that surround us until we are caught in a maelstrom of our own creation.
When we allow ourselves to be driven into a dependent state in which we merely react to events that are imposed upon us by
our environment, instead of being proactive in shaping events as they unfold, we are reduced to a state of survival in
which there is little room to let our higher light shine.
At times, each of us has slipped into such a dependent state
when, through our fatigue or inattentiveness, we allow ourselves to lose our resourcefulness.
As soon as we catch
ourselves losing our dominion over the conditions that surround us, we can immediately call upon the basic strategy of affirmations.
We affirm attunement with Jehovih to center our minds and hearts in the Infinite source of intelligence and energy. We affirm
our faith in the Intelligent Order of the universe and the surety of our part in that Great Design. We affirm our ability
to tap that Great Source of Intelligence, Power, and Life, because we are one with Him / Her and never apart from Him / Her.
We affirm that, as co-creators with the Ever-Present, we are potent to accomplish all good and are always in control of all
outcomes. We affirm our oneness with All Goodness and All Truth.
As if by magic, though we know there is no magic
to it, we gradually find that we are again in control, again expressing our highest light. We realize we are again in possession
of that which we never really lost: our kinship with the Infinite.
We are angels. We are god-like beings, if only
in potential. But the way is clear and our ultimate destiny remains assured.
Radiance XVI v. 1, p. 21-22. April,
You are one with your Creator! You are a divine soul!
By His Presence
with you, you think, feel, breathe, and have your being. He is your will, your intelligence and your love.
you do not recognize Him, you are perverting your individuality, and you are creating darkness, disease and bondage for
yourself and others. In other words, you are in hell. Yes, hell, right here on earth, self-created. You can create a heaven
if you want to, by turning your energies to serving the Creator, and serving the good of humanity. Be god-like! You have
the capability. It is like a seed, a potential, within your nature.
You can learn to love everybody, and love
life. You can open your vision to see the good in all people and all things. You can open your whole nature to receive the
Light of Higher Beings; and can learn how to use it for building a new life of happiness and fulfillment, contributing to
a better world for all. You can be a co-creator with the Almighty!
You can help bring peace on earth by being a peaceful
person yourself. You can help establish goodwill in human affairs by being a person of goodwill. If you are determined
to do this, you will not be a lone worker, but a member of a vast organization of Benevolence on the unseen side of life,
which covers the entire world with light and power, touching every soul.
The word from our Creator in these times
Awaken, My children! I am present with you! I am your life and your being! Use the talents and powers I have given
you to further My purpose of world regeneration! Speak to Me, and I will speak to you! Recognize my dominion, and build with
Me; and you will rise upward to mastery over every form of darkness and limitation!
Radiance VII v. 2, p. 3-4. June,
Your faithful service to the children in darkness is appreciated by us,
the angelic hosts. More is being accomplished than your minds realize. The seeds of soul quickening power are falling
into the lives of responsive souls. Your faithful efforts keep the doors open for us to transmit the light of the Father-Mother
Creator. Together, we move forward step by step in liberating the bound spirits from souls on earth. Your co-workers on the
Plateau of the Blossoming Presence rejoice with us in your steadfast dedication and efforts to fulfill the will of Jehovih.
They too give their soul energies to awaken slumbering mankind. They are tireless in their efforts. They are on hand to greet
newborn souls as they arrive from corporeal into spiritual life. The work of teaching the newborn is a long, slow process
for the emancipated angels. They need your corporeal help at all times. Your breathing awareness gives them the energy
to fulfill Jehovih's purpose of awakening souls to understand that they are immortal and will live and learn forever in His
Kingdoms of Light and Love.
Radiance VII v. 2, p. 5-6. June, 1990