Always Within
Be Serenity! Be encircled by the Serenity
and Beauty of the Universe.
Be Beauty! Be centered within the Beauty
and Harmony of the Universe.
Be Harmony! Be attuned to the Harmony
and Light of the Universe.
Be Light! Be awakened by the Light and
Spirit of the I AM.
Be Spirit! Be set free by the Spirit
and Sacredness of the I AM.
Be Sacredness! Be enlightened by the
Sacredness and Purity of the I AM.
Be Purity! Be radiant with the Purity
and Goodness of the Angels.
Be Goodness! Be vibrant with the Goodness
and Vitality of the Angels.
Be Vitality! Be alive with the Vitality
and Thankfulness of the Angels.
Be Thankfulness! Be fulfilled in the
Thankfulness and Joy of the Ever-Present Creator.
Be Joy! Be empowered by the Joy and Love
of the Ever-Present Creator.
Be Love! Be one in the Love and Serenity
of the Ever-Present Creator.
Focus. Focus now. Focus now on Jehovih; The Infinite Good, Who illuminates our lives in Eternal Light, who harmonizes
our lives in Perfect Melody. Throughout our lives, within ourselves, Jehovih is our focus, the Precious Ever Present.
Our focus, our quest, our purpose, is to fulfill the Creator's Will that we love one another; Withstanding doubt,
defeat, and darkness, to accomplish ultimately all that makes where we are, an angelic heaven. Beyond any earthly illusions,
we raise our awareness of Thee, O One Light; Seeking to perceive the true reality. Beyond any trivial distractions,
we focus on Thee, O Giving Spirit; Feeling Your Loving Soul in all Creation. Beyond any selfish impulses, we attune
ourselves to Thee, O All Highest. Mastering our self so that we may better serve others. O Eloih, we focus Your Love,
Your Inspiration, Your Power, into all that we are, into all that we do; So that Thy Creations, Thy Children, may blossom
in Your Everlasting Life, Everlasting Beauty, Everlasting Joy. May Jehovih's Peace bless and unite us all. Amen.
Heal. Heal now. Heal now in power. Open now to channels of healing. Channel thy mind and spirit to healing,
to Eloih. The Creator is Perfect Life and rests within thee. Rests within to flow throughout you, throughout you to
all others around you. Let no son nor daughter of All Life be estranged, distressed. The vivifying Presence flows
through, flows feeling pure love. We are healed by and are healing lives in love. Pain is purged, weakness is washed
away. All illness is now no more. Our life flows alive in abundant health. We the eternal are healthy and whole;
in body, in mind, in spirit. Heal now with love in Eloih. Heal now in power. Amen.
Serve. Serve now. Serve now the All Highest. We are agents of the All Highest. We look to the All Highest
for ways in which our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions may benefit others. Nirvana, our souls' fulfillment, is indeed
selfless sacrifice, persevering throughout any trial, so that others less fortunate than ourselves may find the keys to the
higher and highest heavens. Transform your valuable time, your resources, your energy, into gifts which will uplift your
brothers and sisters. Ask yourself: how may I be of service to others right now? The Creator will wonderfully act
through you while you achieve your vision to assist others. Everlasting good will be achieved by those who discover how
to work with others, for others, in doing good. Therefore judge yourself, for only you can truly judge yourself well.
Jehovih perfectly and powerfully directs those who ask to see where they may do the most good. Be a true friend,
by living, giving as a friend; offering what is most needed: a cheerful smile and a soaring song, a helping hand and a warm
embrace, a kind word and an inner prayer. The Creator lives through our service to one another; Sharing love of
the Divine Love, peace of the Universal Peace, light of the Illimitable Light, joy of the Eternal Joy, unity of the Infinite
Unity, faith of the Omnipotent Faith. For each chance to act in service, we praise our Ever-Loving Spirit, Jehovih,
beyond, within and over all. Blessed Service to you all in the All Highest forever! Amen.
Bless. Bless now. Bless now with all your soul. Bless now with angelic magic, angelic miracles. To bless is
to connect dreams and hearts; To fill lives with the All Universality. It is to be in harmony with all the universe,
channeling the Life of the Great Spirit. It is a power that Jehovih intended us to have and to give. Once blessed,
the thoughts of light illimitable germinate within our Creator's Heart, Mind and Soul. These created blessings transcend
forth beyond any limitation, and so transcend us further into the True Reality. All you focus Good upon shall blossom
in springtime renewal, returning joyfully forever. Resonating through the mystic circles of beauty within and without
all souls. Send forth thy sacred thoughts, sacred feelings; vibrantly vivifying. Whatever you can conceive of, you
can give; whomever you can love, you can help. Bless with the powerful certainty that these blessed thoughts are an eternal,
infinite energy which shall reach towards the complete fulfillment of all that is good for another soul or souls. You
have chosen to bless, to give, and in so doing you shall be blessed, and shall receive many times more than you will ever
need. Yet your only desire is to be of service to others, that they may find a fuller realization,and attunement with
the Almighty Creator, Ormazd. Blessed is, and blessed was, and blessed shall ever be all those who bless selflessly, with
genuine compassion. Bless now with oneness, with wonder, with the Loving, Living Light. Bless now with Jehovih, the
Ever-Present. Amen.
Breathe. Breathe now. Breathe in Om now. Breathe in the clean, the pure essences. Attune each breath to within
thy soul. Thy body, thy spirit, thy soul, breathe life and life only. Thy life is now Eloih, Om. Breathe in Om;
Pure in Life. Breathe with Om; Rhythms with Harmony. Breathe out bitterness, anger, pain. Breathe in peace,
love, joy. Breathe without fear, doubt, lust. Breathe with faith, hope, purity. Breathe in as one, as Om is one
within all. Thy source of life is within. Breathe in pure life and live. Breathe in Om now. Amen.
Give. Give now. Give now the gift. Give what may be needed. Give what may be cherished. Thou art a special
person; an answer to another's loss or need. That which is from the heart is freely given. Give from thy heart and
thou shall not fail to bring aid. For whatever good is given is a gift of Eloih. It is thou who art the gift of Eloih;
given in love. Let all giving be done in Eloih's Love. Given thusly, all the darkness of the world will be overcome.
Give love now as Eloih always gives. Give now the gift. Amen.
Release. Release now. Release all to Eloih now. Release thy cares, thy selfishness. Release what is not thy
true self, the dark, the temporary, the trivial. What remains is an immortal being of light, a spark of divinity which
shall shine like the sun. All is made whole, all is made right, when I seek the Creator, who is Ever-Present. Complete
is the Perfect Sphere, the One Center, Eloih. Release your soul into the keeping of the Perfect One, Eloih. The Creator
never fails. The Creator always fulfills the reasons for which we were made, the purposes which we intend to achieve.
Release all to Eloih now, your life is a victory over self. Release to realize the truth, the beauty of Eloih, of
your eternal life, now. Amen.
Unite. Unite now. Unite now in harmony. Unite in embraces of love, as the brothers, sisters we are. The Family
of Eloih loving all as one. Let hearts touch in joys warm and true. Our hearts becoming one star of hope, one note
of music. In one union of order we play sweet symphonies, magical songs soaring high, higher, highest. In one union
of order we create crystal worlds, brilliant in light, color. Unite in the triumphant eternal power that serves, sacrifices.
Unite all souls in Eloih. Unite now in harmony. Amen.
Reach. Reach now. Reach now to Eloih. Reach to the highest heights afar, to the deepest depths within. There
now, All-Love dwells. A gift of love which is offered always. Reach then to a perfect love which thy heart shall touch.
Thy heart is, shall be, within the One Heart. The One Heart of the Holy Father, Holy Mother, Holy Creator. There
dwells the greatest and fullest love. Reach into love which is the power of life. Reach into love which is the light
of life. Reach upwards, inward, forward to Eloih now. Our hearts shall reach and touch the One Heart. Reach the
fire, the life, the love in all others' hearts. Reach now to Eloih. Amen.
Shine. Shine now. Shine now forth thy soul. See dawn arise unto everlasting day. This great light is, is in
thee. Light of One Light, Soul of One Soul, Ormazd. Brilliant in this universe unending, suns of starlight shine;
Dazzling visions. Within, thy being burns brighter than the sum of all suns. Thy light is, and only is, the good
harmony thou strives to bring to others. Peace and good will are needed in all directions. So shine celestial rainbow;
thy spirit illuminates chromatic joys. So shine crystal aurora; thy spirit reflects mystic beauty. So shine eternal
star; thy spirit radiates glorious love. Spectrums of inspiration alight, One in Eloih. Shine now Soul Light: Love
enlightening. Amen.
Believe. Believe now. Believe now in our Creator, the Source of All Good. Our reality is in Jehovih, in our good
thoughts. We create our true life from our faith, our actions. Faith overwhelms fear, action vanquishes failure. Believe
to receive light, to achieve a higher life. Our Creator believes in us; so we are. This sacred faith in us is an unending
love: A love omniscient, a love almighty, a love absolutely real. Circumstance or appearance, consensus or opinion;
These are illusions not to be trusted in. You are in your Creator. Your Creator is in you. Believe, you cannot
fail. Believe, you are always loved. Believe, you are essential, now and always, In this wondrous and infinite
universe. Equally so, just as importantly so, believe in your brothers and sisters. Believe in them, uplift them,
as your Creator does. We are all one. We believe; our joyous, bright, beautiful love lives. Believe now in Jehovih,
in ourselves. Believe: I AM. Amen.
Rejoice! Rejoice now! Rejoice in life now! Alleluia!
Let music and color in brilliant symmetry fly! Happy the time now! Happy all times forever! We are, we always shall
be, children of Eloih. We, hand in hand, dance and sing our great joy! The darkness is falling away. The light is
rising near. Our joys, our hearts, touch and ascend. Our souls quicken to unite; to love and live as one. The
Way, Eloih, is clear before us, within us. Rejoice in high heavenly praises to Perfect Eloih! Rejoice in life now!